Updated model «BIOMEDIS M» | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Improved characteristics and functions:
Unique possibilities which will appear in coming months after sales will have been started:
Indications linked with «BIOMEDIS M»The medical device "BIOMEDIS M" is indicated for application of bioresonance therapy (BRT), a therapy of impact by electromagnetic oscillations which under the principle of resonance contribute to restore of healing and self-regulation's mechanisms damaged because of diseases.The device "BIOMEDIS M" allows carrying out bioresonance exogenous therapy of patient: A) with electromagnetic fields, having amplitude modulation of carrying frequency, with high accuracy of setting frequency modulation. B) with electric signals transmitted through corresponding connector to external interface. Frequencies of Foll, Schmidt, and Rife are used for application of the therapy. This therapy is combined with any other type of treatment, such as pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Each treating program consists of set of frequencies applied consistently with specified time duration. Treating complexes are composed of treating programs during programming of the device. The device may be utilized by several users consistently. The device may be kitted with external optional interfaces (such as hand electrodes, plasma generator of super-high frequency field). Principle of device's action and recommendations on application of therapyBioresonance therapy (BRT) represents correction of body's functions through harmonious transformation of resonance electromagnetic oscillations which are specific for radiation of living organism in order to synchronize them.Treatment is based upon suppression of pathologic frequency spectrums of oscillations, restoration and improvement of physiological ones, and support of relative synchronization of different wave processes which form physiological organism's homeostasis. The idea of BRT with the help of weak electromagnetic oscillations inherent to a patient himself/herself was for the first time stated and scientifically proven by F. Morell (1977). Relative synchronization of different oscillating (wave) processes is supported in normal physiological state of the body, while pathologic states (diseases) develop in the body in case of oscillating harmony's deviation. BRT is a therapy with the help of electromagnetic oscillations the body's structures come into resonance with. Impact can be exercised on the level of cell, organ, system of organs, and the whole body, because various levels are characterized and controlled by various frequency-wave parameters. The main idea of resonance's application in medicine is following: if frequencies and form of treating (electromagnetic) impact are set correctly, normal (physiologic) processes can be increased and pathologic oscillations can be weakened in human body. Thus, bioresonance impact can be exercised for neutralization of pathologic oscillations as well as restoration of physiologic ones damaged in case of pathologic states; it means that the therapy suppresses hindrances (noises) in informational field of the body. A healthy body, regardless of the age, always keeps relative synchronization of various oscillating (wave) processes which help the body to support balance, integrity and health. Imbalance and destruction of frequency-wave homeostasis' harmony appear, if any pathological pathogenic processes develop. So, new vicious pathogenic oscillations and resonances develop in the body; and they support diseases and prevent healing. The body's program of self-restoration and self-healing given by nature is disturbed. The task of the device "BIOMEDIS M" is following: to restore correct energetic potential of organs and systems in phases, carry out peculiar readjustment, transfer unhealthy rhythms into healthy row, according to resonance principles. The treating method with the device "BIOMEDIS M" has been based upon the solution of the task to create a method of electromagnetic therapy which allows providing harmonization of human organs' and systems' work with the help of resonance phenomena caused in the body by specified frequencies. The method of electromagnetic therapy represents restoration of health and liquidation of diseases' mechanisms achieved through impact exercised to the body by impulse low-frequency electromagnetic field with specific carrying frequency modulated by various frequencies. The device is indicated for usage in house conditions. The therapy is carried out with sessions which compose a course of treatment; each session represents one-time impact exercised by a program. Several sessions may be carried out a day. More obvious effect is caused by a course therapy. A course therapy lasts 14-21 days of impact with a break of 1-2 days at the end of the course. If it is needed, a therapy may contain 5-7 courses. The device may be arranged with the back side to the damaged organ for achievement of more evident effect. The most obvious effect is caused by combination of the therapy with others. Try to avoid hard physical activities during application of sessions! It is recommended administering session each other hour, until general improvement of health and relief of disease's symptoms are achieved in case of acute diseases (poisonings, ARI, flu). Usage of the device "BIOMEDIS M" doesn't exclude administration of medical therapy and remedies of natural medicine; on the contrary - the device increases effects of other therapies. If you utilize hand electrodes for application of curative and preventive therapies, you feel nothing, or just slight tingling. You may place cosmetic cotton pads dampened with water under electrodes in order to enhance effectiveness of treatment. If skin areas on places of contacts with electrodes are damaged, it is recommended using cotton pads dampened with water. Needed number of sessions for daily usage is chosen, depending on individual tolerance. You may be allowed to use the device after vaccination, only after your doctor has permitted you doing it. The device must be used under supervision of physician in case of diseases which are dangerous for health. ATTENTION! Consider contraindications mentioned in guide for application of the device! Contact your health care provider! Structure of deviceThe device represents a generator, a reflector of high-frequency electromagnetic field of weak insensitivity, having amplitude modulation of carrying frequency. Frequency and form of modulation's signal is set through programs (in accordance with work's algorithm) with the help of synthesizer. High accuracy of set modulating frequency is achieved with the help of the synthesizer.The device has TFT display 1.77". Manipulations with device are carried out with the help of keyboard, having tactile feedback. The device is supplied from built-in LiPol battery with capacity of 300 mA/h; the battery can be charged through USB-port of the device, if it is needed. The battery provides continuous work of the device during 15 hours. The device has an USB-port for connection with PC (it is used for transmitting of programs and treating complexes from PC, if corresponding software presents). This port can also serve as an input for supply of the device's battery. A PC or a network adapter of 5 V, having proper connector, can serve as external source of supply. The device has a slot micro SD for extension of its memory. Maximum volume of microSD card supported by device is 8 GB. Indications related to usage of BRT(in accordance with Methodical recommendations of Ministry Health of Russian Federation №2000/47)
Contraindications related to BRT(in accordance with Methodical recommendations of Ministry Health of Russian Federation №2000/47)
Technical characteristics
Software for PCSoftware is needed for creation of treating complexes and programming of created complexes of device.Device BIOMEDIS M is programmed with help of PC and program complex "Biomedis M Air" installed on PC. Microsoft.NET Framework 4 is needed for work of software. Following changes have been made in version Software Biomedis M Air 3.0: 1. Function to compose own programs has been added; 2. Function to compose multi-frequency programs has been added. It is possible to compose multi-frequency program as well as combination with sequential frequencies; it means that it is possible to add own frequencies one by one as well as through the sign “+” or use combination of solitary and multi frequencies; 3. Information from window “Information about program” can be already copied to clipboard; 4. While composing complexes of programs, it is possible to add description for each program; description will be reflected in device in regime T-Book.
Software framework of deviceIt is needed to download new version of firmware to update and restore software framework of device.
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Официальный сайт на русском - Offizielle Website auf Russisch WWW.BIOMEDIS.RU
Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit und Beratung wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Mob. +41-78-866-8722, +41-76-748-77-47
Bio Resonance Intellectual Scanner (Express test) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Device purposeThe essence of automatic data processing is a measurement of electrical conductivity parameters in biologically active points on hands, legs and head, which are protectively related to different zones, organs and systems in the organism. Considering qualitative characteristics of these parameters and their relations it is possible to determine nature of pathological processes, their casual-and-effect relations, relation of these or that organs and systems that form and maintain pathological process. The system allows assessment reaction of the organism on any type of the effect (either proposed for application or applied) in real, current time scale.The main principle of work of express-test is a measurement of electrical parameters of biologically active zones, bearing information about condition of inter-related organs and systems. The device is designed for correction of homeostasis of human's organism. This is one of few effective methods of control over organism condition and prevention of the disease. The device is used at the sanatorium-preventive and fitness-preventive institutions, consultation centers, cosmetological and massage rooms, at home, etc. Device capability
Technical dataThe devise is represented by mobile single block, controlled by software, installed in computer and ensuring connection with device through USB universal serial interface.4.1 In terms of general safety requirements this device meets requirements of DSTU 3135.0 (GOST 30345.0). 4.2 Computer USB-port is used as power source of the system. Computer and monitor should comply with requirements of State Sanitary Regulations and Standards, State Sanitary Regulations and Standards and also valid regulatory documents for definite models. 4.3 The device has boreal climate design, category of location is 4,2 in accordance with GOST 1550:
4.5 Signal frequency range is from 30 Hz to 900 kHz. 4.6 Consumed current is from 10 mА to 30 mА. 4.7 Mean time between failures is 15000 hours. 4.8 Mean life cycle is not less than 5 year. 4.9 Ramp time is not more than 5 sec. 4.10 Continuous operation period is not less than 5 hours. 4.11 Electrode material is L-63 brass in accordance with GOST 1019. 4.12 Overall dimensions, not more than, mm: 150х80х35. 4.13 Weight without package is not more than 1500 UAH. Scope of delivery
Назначение устройстваСуть автоматической обработки информации заключается в измерении параметров электро-проводимости в биологически активных точках на руках, ногах и голове, проекционно-связанных с различными зонами, органами и системами в организме. По количественным характеристикам этих параметров и их соотношению можно судить о характере патологических процессов, их причинно-следственных связях, заинтересованности тех или иных органов и систем, формирующих и поддерживающих патологический процесс. Одновременно система позволяет оценить реакцию организма на любой вид воздействия (как предполагаемого к применению, так и осуществленного) в реальном, текущем масштабе времени.Основным принципом работы экспресс-теста является измерение электрических параметров биологически активных зон, несущих информацию о состоянии взаимосвязанных с ними органов и систем. Действие устройства, направленно на коррекцию гомеостаза организма человека. Это один из немногих, действенных способов контроля состояния организма и предотвращения болезни. Устройство используется потребителями в условиях санитарно-профилактических и физкультурно-профилактических заведений, консультационных центрах, косметологических и массажных кабинетов, потребителями на дому и т.д. Возможности устройства
Технические данныеУстройство выполнено в виде портативного моноблока, функционирующего под управлением программного обеспечения, установленного на компьютере и осуществляющего связь с устройством посредством универсального последовательного интерфейса USB.3.1 По общим требованиям безопасности устройство соответствует требованиям ДСТУ 3135.0 (ГОСТ 30345.0). 3.2 Система в качестве источника питания использует порт USB компьютера. Компьютер и монитор должен соответствовать требованиям ДСан ПиН, Дсан ПиН и действующим нормативным документам на конкретные модели. 3.3 Вид климатического исполнения УХЛ, категория размещения 4,2 ГОСТ 1550:
3.5 Диапазон частоты сигналов от 30 Гц до 900 кГц. 3.6 Потребляемый ток от 10 мА до 30 мА. 3.7 Среднее время наработки на отказ не менее 15000 часов. 3.8 Средний полный срок эксплуатации не менее 5 лет. 3.9 Время установки рабочего режима не более 5сек. 3.10 Время непрерывной работы не менее 5 часов. 3.11 Материал электродов-латунь марки Л-63 ГОСТ 1019. 3.12 Габаритные размеры, не больше, мм - 150х80х35. 3.13 Масса без упаковки - не более 1500 гр. Комплектность поставки
Показания к применениюАвтоматическая обработка информации с целью профилактики хронических заболеваний:Заболевания периферической нервной системы: радикулиты, плекситы, невриты, невралгии, полиневриты, полинейропатии и т.д. Неврологические проявления остеохондроза позвоночника: рефлекторные мышечнотонические и нейродистрофические синдромы, компрессионные корешковые синдромы и т.д. Заболевания органов кровообращения: нейроциркуляторная дистония, артериальная гипо- и гипертензия и т.д. Заболевания органов дыхания: риниты, трахеиты, бронхиты, пневмонии, бронхоспазм, бронхиальная астма и т.д. Заболевания ЛОР - органов: полисинуситы (гаймориты, фронтиты и т.д.), ларингиты, аденоидные вегетации, тонзиллиты и т.д. Заболевания органов пищеварения: функциональные расстройства пищевода, желудка, кишечника, желчного пузыря, гастриты, дуодениты, язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, хронические колиты, панкреатиты, холециститы и т.д. Заболевания мочеполовой системы: циститы, альгоменореи, аднекситы, простатиты, доброкачественные опухоли и т. д. Противопоказания к применению |