Indications linked with Ecofood
- decontamination and activation of water, removal of harmful chemical and biological contaminants' influence on the body.
- processing of food (meat, vegetables, fruits, greens, fish, eggs, beverages, etc.) for decontamination, improvement of taste benefits and longer shelf life; neutralization of impact of natural and chemical contaminants included in the food on the body.
- aquarium maintenance (decontamination of water and improvement of water's quality).
- disinfection of toilets, bathrooms and working surfaces in kitchens.
- improvements of seeds' germination and their shelf life through their treatment before storing and sowing.
- disinfection of cats' and dogs' toilets and their livelihood.
Sequence of work with Ecofood
- Put the device with the backside (without picture) to exposed products, water, and surfaces some 50 cm beyond them.
- Turn on the device by pressing the button briefly! The lightened LED indicates that the device has been turned on. The device will be automatically turned off in 20 minutes.
- If you are forced to turn off the device, you should press the button and keep pressing until the LED goes out.
How does Ecofood work?
The device Ecofood includes an electromagnetic field's radiator of optic diapason and informative matrix of the preparation Chlorhexidine. The field which is generated by the device has essential biological activity. This impact is negative for pathogen organisms. If it is needed to decontaminate food and water, you should add informative matrix of the preparation Chlorhexidine, and use appropriate amplitude modulation of optic radiation's source. It helps to prevent transferring infections in human body which could pass together with food or water; it provides prevention of numerous diseases.
Peculiarities of device Ecofood
- The device includes not only quant radiation of optic waves' flow but also informative matrix of the preparation Chlorhexidine. That's why the device effectively influences on pathogen components of food and water.
- Radiation power and parameters of radiation's amplitude modulation are set, managed and regulated by implemented program with the help of a microprocessor. During the work of the device a part of electromagnetic radiation's energy is transformed into biofield which is like to that created by functional systems of human or animals' bodies.
- According to results gotten experimentally, electromagnetic field generating by the device has expressed essential biological activity. This biological impact may be favorable for radiated organisms as well as unfavorable for organisms' tissues at the same time. It depends on combinations of modulation's characteristics and type of radiation set up in the device. The sign (±) of biological impact and the choice of parameters, intensiveness and type of radiation which are in the program have been made empirically (there is no any theory of the processes) with the help of biodetectors and biosensors (cellular populations and cultures) or with the help of subjective perception of a person-operator (for example, extrasensory persons or biolocations). This is the third peculiarity of this device. Biogenic effect of the device may range essentially in dynamic diapason, from biostimulating to biopathogen influence, depending on type of impulse modulation of radiation's source. If radiation of the device passes through a substance, radiation's flow gets additional specific informative modulation, carrying information about this substance which is brought together with field's radiation to the exposed body, food or water. As a result, the exposed organism gets additional important bioactive effect. If the device is used for decontamination of food and water, the preparation Chlorhexidine or informative matrix of inactivated strain of a pathogen organism is inserted into the device, and the corresponding program of source's informative modulation of optic radiation is turned on. It is necessary to take into account that the device Ecofood is manufactured with inserted matrix of Chlorhexidine.
Technical characteristics of Ecofood
The radiation's generator works on the frequency, having the wavelength 525 nm; radiation power is 500 milliwatt, radius of active action till the exposed object is 50 cm; two frequencies of radiation's modulation are following: 12.5 Hz and 3.5 kHz. The device's dimension is following: 58x105x19 mm; it is fed with the voltage of 3 V from two batteries of the type AAA.
Laboratory testing of the device Ecofood's impact
Staph cells (Staphylococcus) taken in advance from a suppurating wound of a patient and multiplied in the growth medium represented researching biomaterial. This material was studied in order to determine its high resistance to antiseptics, heat treatment, comparatively high survival and danger of this bacterium for health of people and animals.
The following equipment was utilized during the study: a standard laboratory microscope and vital colorant (that doesn't damage vital processes of bacteria). Weak electromagnetic field of variable polarity was utilized in order to define amplitude of mobility, determining by superficial electric charge of bacteria. As it is known, unlived bacteria have absolute zero superficial charge; and they are absolutely unmovable in electromagnetic field. All viable bacteria, without any exception, are movable in electromagnetic field. Such mobility is provided by superficial electric charge composed because of internal metabolism and ferment chemical reactions inside of bacteria's cell. Colorant, 0.1%, Methylene Blue, vital.
Research #1: Standard laboratory microscope. Enhancement x900, inserted digital video recorder. The research was conducted with the help of alternating electromagnetic field created artificially. Impact was exercised by the device Ecofood once. Standard exposure lasted 20 minutes. The distance between the preparation and the device was about 15 cm.
Results of the research and conclusions:
- Staphylococcus is completely (100%) painted into the color of vital colorant in 15 minutes of the device's impact upon it. It may indicate about partial or total coagulation of protein in membrane shell of Staphylococcus, it means that micro cracks and pores appear in it. It has been observed that the colorant is passing into cells of the Staphylococcus step-by-step during 10-15 minutes. You can clearly see it, if you compare the image related to the state before impact of the device and after it (both video clips are above). It doesn't happen without impact of the device Ecofood. It is necessary to mention here about the Soviet Union's scientist Dmitriy M. Nosonov's theory supposed in 1925 and published in his work "Reaction of viable substance towards external impacts" in 1941. According to the theory, microorganism's painting into the color of a colorant is an absolute signal which indicates that any microorganism has begun to die because the reason of the painting is damage of its cellular membrane's integrity. D. M. Nosonov has acquired Stalin's prize of the 2nd level (1943) and worldwide recognition of his works. His works are still universally recognized and uncontested.
- It is observed unessential but obvious reduction of amplitude of cells' movement in electromagnetic field during last moments of the device's impacts upon Staph cells. It means that superficial electric charge of cells reduces, in other words: internal ferment reactions insides of Staph cells slow down. It becomes obvious, if you compare two video clips. Alternating electromagnetic field was created by the device "Bio-Test Axion"; the intensity of the field before, during and after the impact wasn't changed. Electromagnetic field was needed just for management of cell's vitality; it was also turned out in each 3-5 minutes for observation of the ongoing process.
The experiment was conducted 2-3 times daily during 4 days. Impact of the device was single each time (20 minutes). Unfortunately, more prolonged researches about the process of Staph cells' vitality couldn't be conducted in this laboratory because of rapid drying (40 minutes) of fresh prepared composition. The problem was linked only with way of preparing biomaterial. The task for further researches is following: it is necessary to do the same actions but it is needed to use other ways of preparing material.
Research #2: The research was conducted in the Department of Dentistry (Izhevsk Medical Institute). Dark field microscope (enhancement x500; inserted video recorder) was used during the experiment. Prepared saliva served as biological material. It allowed increasing duration of the device Ecofood's impact by three times (20 minutes per each time) with intervals of 5-10 minutes between exposures. The distance between the preparation and the device was about 20 cm. It was not required to create artificial alternating electromagnetic field. This biomaterial usually has very mobile microflora. Preparations made of saliva were quite successful: there were no cases of rapid drying or penetration of air bubbles between the glasses, as it was in the case of the preparations which contained Staph infections.
4 video clips are presented below. The 1st video clip: the preparation before impact of the device Ecofood upon it; the 2nd - 4th video clips: the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd impact of the device upon the preparation. Screenings took place after each impact. Blue vital colorant was used during the research. Big blue formations presented epithelium cells of skin and mucosa. Small moveable objects represented microorganisms. It was impossible to identify data of the organism during such enhancement; but the research didn't have this task at that stage.
Prepared saliva before impact of the device Ecofood. Numerous moveable microorganisms are observed:
General conclusions:
The following conclusions have been made on the basis of these two various experiments conducted with the help various biomaterials, different methods for determination of bacteria's viability and different optics:
- The device Ecofood influences on viability of microorganisms obviously and certainly. Viability of organisms exposed to the impact of the device Ecofood reduces. Membrane's protein of Staph cells coagulates and gives micro cracks in 15 minutes of exposure; it certainly reduces and neutralizes dangerous properties of these cells. The process of complete destruction of Staph cells is an aspect for further research in this direction, if it is needed. Staph infections are claimed to be bacteria, having high viability and adaptation to harsh conditions of survival.
Bacteria observed in the prepared saliva die completely after the 3rd impact of the device Ecofood. It was impossible to influence on the saliva once and then observe viability of bacteria in saliva each hour with the help of the administered equipment because fresh prepared saliva may be studied only during an hour and a half; then the preparation dies which may affect viability of bacteria naturally. That's why it didn't make any sense to continue studying the same preparation over an hour and a half.
- Impact of the device Ecofood and viability of exposed microorganisms are determined in accordance with the following principle: the more often impact is exercised, the higher level of sterilization is observed.
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